# Value in our service

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# Keep it simple

Test Automation can solve the challenges of rapid development cycles and your need to respond to the escalating customer demands while preserving quality. Our Automated testing approaches can empower your business by ensuring precision through rapid, seamless, automated test suites. We take a modern approach in software testing by building lightweight and cost effective test automation frameworks. Our frameworks are carefully designed for a continuous testing environment on the cloud. Our mission is to clean up the convoluted mess software testing has become by introducing new technologies and simplified processes one company at a time.


Achieve higher test coverage ensuring better product quality. With the experience gained from our customers and from developing custom automation testing frameworks, we use industry’s best practices and approaches for your Agile and DevOps needs, with lesser effort.


Our parallelization methods will reduce test execution time by 50%.


Accelerate your release cycle with the power of automation. Our custom frameworks are built with continuous testing in mind. With our expertise and experience in handling different customers testing requirements, our experts can guarantee to automate your tests 5X faster.


Our engineers create and maintain managed test environments and utilize adaptive testing frameworks to make automated test case implementation easy while slashing your overall costs. Knit's continuous testing approach and our expertise will prove ROI right from the beginning instead of years.